Conferences: The Innovation Sphere

The very essence of the summit is to bring together all the actors of this ecosystem in order to allow a sharing of ideas. reflections and to put in place actions on its future.

The future of rum is being played out at the MONDIAL DU RHUM. Also, innovation is an integral part of the MONDIAL DU RHUM program since it is a non-negligible lever for longevity. and adaptability for any industry wishing to be part of the long term.

How to ensure the recurrence of quality? rum by molecular chemistry? What about the use of new technologies in a fundamentally sensory sector? What to think of the arrival of artificial intelligence and the circular economy in the sector? What packaging solutions for a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) approach?

Provisional program of conferences and speakers:

Rum: the most ecologically virtuous spirit

Waste and effluent reprocessing, green energy production, organic advances, decarbonization, reuse of rum by-products... Use of sugar cane bagasse sugar as an ecological insulator: an example of the versatility of the rum industry.
The rum is at the forefront of the fight for a less polluting industry. But there remains the question of the carbon footprint with transport and containers.
Guest country : France

What is the contribution of rum in the pharmaceutical industry?

The health situation due to covid 19 has allowed rum producers to shine as health support by participating in the production of hydroalcoholic gel, essential in this time of crisis.
Can other pharmaceutical uses be envisaged for products, by-products and derivatives of the rum industry?
Guest country :Pakistan

Artificial Intelligence in the World of Spirits

Which place to leave? artificial intelligence in an industry resolutely turned towards the human sensory?
Guest country : France – Reunion

Rum sales booster design

Innovation & Design – When design shakes up codes and boosts sales, the case of cognac.
Guest country; : France

Packaging players innovate and go green

Innovation and bottling, glass recycling. Cork or hybrid or even bagasse corking.
Packaging in cardboard, glass, bulk sale to individuals…
The cane fiber seems to prevail. What are the best practices to adopt?
Invited country; :USA

Science at the service of rum quality

Working on blends, aromas and identity Rum.
How does molecular chemistry allow us to work and guarantee the stability of the rum? and quality spirits?
Guest country : France

Ambitions of the French Polynesian Rum sector

Original varietal approach, bases of the PGI and subject of research by CIRAD and UPF.
Innovation: leverage for new entrants.
Guest country : France French Polynesia

From research to the application, the notion of "terroir"

From cane cultivation to the rum industry: when the quality of the cane is in line with the quality. from the floors emerges an element of differentiation.
Guest country :Honduras

Soil regeneration as a solution for sustainability and improved yields

Technological tools for a better yield in cane cultivation. sugar.
Innovate through plant selection to produce high-quality series. strong added value. What place to leave to; the mechanization of production? How to optimize yields through plant selection?
Exoskeletons, portable brushcutters, brushcutters cut that do not compact the soil…
Guest country : France – Marie-Galante

Aging in rum barrels, a whole art factor in new trends

Experts in weathering apply the most innovative methods.
Which weathering materials and techniques should be used?
Guest country; : Barbados

Distribution and marketing

How to stand out on other spirits' linearts:

  • Social media and communication
  • Online sales platform
  • Quotation platform
  • Special vintages?
  • Is selling a story tending towards premiumization?
Guest country : China