
CULTURE: Gateway to the RUM SUMMIT

The economic activity of Rum has always developed in a deeply cultural context whatever the producing country.

Of the relationship between rum and culture, three aspects are easily identifiable and consubstantially rich: the representation of rum in art and culture, culture as a tool for presenting rum, rum: a link in cultural heritage.

It is therefore undeniable that culture constitutes an important part of the world of rum. It allows it to be staged literally and figuratively and elevates it to the rank of artistic inspiration and subject of sociological reflection.

RUM SUMMIT makes it its duty to highlight the existing bridges between rum and culture. Historians, filmmakers, authors, painters, sociologists, philosophers, academics and musicians will be involved in highlighting this ecosystem during the RUM SUMMIT 2024.

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The RUM SUMMIT is keen to put in place processes that will become a reality. terms of quality labels and durability.

With the establishment of production standards, controls and logistics, the Rum sector will be able to be part of a global response which will allow it to claim to be a part of a global response. a leading position in the world of spirits. A net zero, neutrality initiative carbon, must be a stated objective by all the actors of this ecosystem, who must put forward a desire to fierce to achieve this.

The MONDIAL DU RHUM will help lay the foundations for this race towards the recognition of this Ecosystem in order to best respond to its needs. these economic and environmental issues, by connecting all its key players and decision-makers.

RUM SUMMIT wishes to place at the center of its project, « the human » at the service of an ecosystem that can only keep its promises of success.

No government or institution is wrong and everyone has understood the economic and societal issues of this market. growing for decades to come. come.
No one doubts this success and each player in the Rum ecosystem wishes to keep its achievements and its know-how and, let people know about it. everyone, the role he wishes to play in the race towards a major place on the podium.

The RUM SUMMIT will make it possible to mark out not only the role of each actor in this ecosystem, but also the scope of application and the structure of each of the parts that compose it.

The very essence of the summit is to bring together all the actors of this ecosystem in order to allow a sharing of thoughts and to put in place actions on its future.

The future of rum is being played out at RUM SUMMIT. Also, innovation is an integral part of theRUM SUMMIT program since it is a significant lever for longevity. and adaptability for any industry wishing to be long-term.

How to ensure the recurrence of quality rum using molecular chemistry? What about the use of new technologies in a fundamentally sensory sector? What do we think of the arrival of artificial intelligence and the circular economy in the sector? What packaging solutions for a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) approach?

Youth is one of the priorities of the RUM SUMMIT. It is also a question of presenting this Rum Ecosystem which benefits from to be known, so as to be known raise awareness among younger generations of training and career opportunities in the world of rum.

The first edition of this international meeting will be the scene of questions but above all of remediation around the lack of visibility of the world. on this ecosystem as a workplace.

How can the various potentials be implemented in this ecosystem? What existing training? What areas of development for new degree courses? How to promote agricultural education circuits? By what means can this be achieved? all types of qualified profiles to join the rum sector and, of course, more generally in this ecosystem.

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